Magnus Choir is a virtual instrument plug-in which can be used to create natural and synthetic choirs, using a combination of synthesis and sampling. Available for Windows and Linux based VST/FST hosts.
- Choirs, Vocal Textures and Pads combines an advanced sampling engine and synthesizing techniques to an instrument full of expression capabilities.
- For a realistic choral sound, Magnus includes a variety of vocal textures and sustained vowels in multiple dynamics: Espressivo, Staccato, Marcato, Crescendo, Decrescendo, Tenuto, Maestoso, Legato, and more...
- 32 Factory Presets (Natural, Synthetic and Hybrid sounds with filter characteristics included): Oohs Choir, Ahhs Choir, Mms Choir, Men?s Choir, Women?s Choir, Angel?s Choir, Odd Choir, Choir Pads, Dark Octave Choir, Future Choir, Astral Choir, Psychedelic Choir, Spatial Voices, Synthetic Choir, and more...
- ADSR envelope generator with Attack, Sustain, Decay and Release parameters and several modulation targets, that gives musicians almost limitless possibilities in varying and creating unique new sounds with different vocal characteristics.
- State Variable Filter that includes Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and Band Reject filters with adjustable Cutoff Frequency and Resonance, depending on the performer's preference.
- Reverb Effect Built-in: Free variation of acoustic ambience thanks to complete separation of choir and room. Small rooms can be modeled just as accurately as larger spaces. Customizable with user controls for: size room, width room, damping factor & mix, used to create psycho-acoustic models in the DSP environment, without having to load up any other plug-ins.
- FULL MIDI Automation: Complete MIDI CC.
Syntheway MCH