Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teach you how to make bubble drift

Tools: flash mx 2004


1. Blistered about random _x is shaking, you can set a variable for the variable x coordinate within a certain period of random value, value, let _x trend variables move, move to the variable point, then the variable re-value, _x and then move towards variable. _x always move to the variable.
2. Using attachMovie to copy the bubble, bubbles with unloadMovie achieve unloading.
3. To frame for recycling in order to produce more bubbles.


The first step: New file, length and width for the 300 脳 200, background white, frame rate set to 60, allowing a number of bubbles flowing move a little bit faster.

Step two: paint bubbles, save for the mc, called pao.

Step Three: Add a new mc, named pp_mc, and set the output connection, called pp, to attachmovie call.鍦╩c鐨勫満鏅腑鎷栧叆pao锛屽潗鏍囦互闇?娉℃场鍑虹幇鐨勫ぇ浣撹寖鍥翠负鍑嗭紝鎴戣鐨勬槸x=98,y=10锛宲p_mc闇?瀹炵幇娉℃场鐨勯殢鏈虹Щ鍔紝鎵?互锛岄?瀹歱ao锛屾墦寮?ction闈㈡澘銆?Code:
onClipEvent (load) (
聽 a = random(140)+10;
聽 //褰搈c杞藉叆鏃讹紝棰勮a鍙橀噺銆俛鍙橀噺鏄帶鍒舵场娉¤繍鍔ㄦ柟鍚戠殑锛屽a杩涜10鍒?50涔嬮棿鐨勯殢鏈哄彇鍊?br />)

onClipEvent (enterFrame) (
if (this._x>a) {銆??銆??銆??銆??銆??銆??銆?br />聽 this._x = int(this._x)-1;
聽 this._y -= 1;
聽 this._alpha -= 0.01;
聽 if (this._alpha == 0) {
聽聽聽 this.unloadMovie();
} else if (this._x聽聽 this._x = int(this._x)+1;
聽 this._y -= 1;
聽 this._alpha -= 0.01;
聽 if (this._alpha == 0) {
聽聽聽 this.unloadMovie();銆??//褰撻?鏄庡害涓?鏃讹紝鍗歌浇娉℃场


聽 } else {
聽聽聽 a = random(140)+10;

銆??绗洓姝ワ細鍥炲埌鍦烘櫙锛屽湪绗竴甯т笂鍐欏涓嬩唬鐮?br />

銆??绗簲姝ワ細鍦ㄧ浜屽抚鍐欏涓嬩唬鐮?br />
_root.attachMovie("pp", "pp"+j, j);
//浠庡簱閲屽鍒舵场娉?br />_root["pp"+j]._x = random(140)+10;
_root["pp"+j]._y = 200;
//璁惧畾y鍧愭爣鍊?br />_root["pp"+j]._xscale = random(70)+30;
//30%鍒?00%鐨勯殢鏈簒缂╂斁鍊糭root["pp"+j]._yscale = _root["pp"+j]._xscale;
//30%鍒?00%鐨勯殢鏈簓缂╂斁鍊?br />绗叚姝ワ細绗笁甯т唬鐮佸涓?br />if (j<10) {
聽 //杩欎釜鍒ゆ柇涓簀璧嬫渶澶у?
聽 j = j+1;
) Else (
j = 0;
聽 //褰搄锛?0鏃讹紝j杩斿洖0鍊?br />)
gotoAndPlay (2);

銆??鍦ㄦ渶鍒濆仛杩欎釜娉℃场鏃讹紝鎴戞病鏈変负j璁惧畾鏈?ぇ鍊硷紝璁﹋涓嶆柇绱姞锛屽鑷磗wf鏂囦欢鏋佸崰cpu璧勬簮锛屽叾瀹?0涓场娉″浜庢垜鍋氱殑杩欎釜鍑虹幇棰戠巼灏卞浜嗭紝j鍙互鏍规嵁瀹為檯鎯呭喌璁惧畾銆?br />
銆??濂戒簡锛屼綘涔熷彲浠ュ仛涓场娉′簡锛岃繕鏈変竴鐐瑰氨鏄紝鎴戜负浜嗚娉℃场涓嶈鍑哄緱杩欎箞棰戠箒锛岃绗簩甯у拰绗笁甯т箣闂撮殧浜嗗ソ浜涗釜绌虹櫧甯э紝濡傛灉鎯冲涓?簺锛屾尐杩戜竴鐐瑰氨琛屼簡銆?br />銆??寰?笂鍗囨槸娉℃场锛屽鏋滃線涓嬮鍙互鍋氶洦锛岄洩浠?箞鐨勩?璇曡瘯鐪嬪惂 :p
銆??绗竴娆″啓鏁欑▼锛屾湁璇寸殑涓嶆竻妤氱殑鍦版柟锛岃澶у鎸囧嚭锛屾湁璇寸殑涓嶅鐨勫湴鏂癸紝璇峰ぇ瀹舵寚鐐广? :)


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